How to find more time for reading

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How to find more time for reading?

We all are busy studying and working, so we can’t always find time to read the book we want. Here are some advices for you if you want to get more books read.

  1. Write down daily goals

This way you won’t forget about doing everything you planned to. + I read in Brian Tracy’s “Time Management” book that making to-do lists saves you  2 extra hours every day.

  1. Make a list of books you want to read each month

Though, this doesn’t usually work with me, because I’m a mood reader. In my case, Goodreads helps me to discover new books, or I just scroll through my “want-to-read” Goodreads shelf and choose the book which looks most appropriate for my mood at that time.

  1. Turn off the internet on your phone while reading

Because it may distract you from reading.

  1. Challenge yourself to read a certain amount of pages at a time.
  2. Take part in read-a-longs

So that you’ll have to make sure to read certain pages by the time of discussion


Hope you found this information useful. Is there any advice for reading more you can add?